Know You Are Going To Be Excited About Our Most up-to-date Vulcan 1GR45M Commercial 45-50 lb Nat Gas Deep Fat Fryer, 120,000 BTU, NSF
Although there are a few products very like our most modern Vulcan 1GR45M Commercial 45-50 lb Nat Gas Deep Fat Fryer, 120,000 BTU, NSF presently available, we known that none of them have ever had the options we have included in ours. The idea guiding our newest item is that rather than providing you yet another standard product which does not do quite what it's promoted as carrying out, we wished to make available to you an item which moved far past this.
The concept guiding every new product isn't to only create yet another variation of the ones that are presently on the market, nobody wants this and also you'll find way too many companies presently doing this. At Vulcan we attempted to virtually reinvent the Vulcan 1GR45M Commercial 45-50 lb Nat Gas Deep Fat Fryer, 120,000 BTU, NSF. Our engineers returned to the drawing board and started from the beginning. We checked out exactly what our first item had and attempted to produce it more effective.
Simply by listening to what our consumers had to suggest regarding what they preferred and didn't prefer about the other Vulcan 1GR45M Commercial 45-50 lb Nat Gas Deep Fat Fryer, 120,000 BTU, NSF available, we labored hard to include all of the functions which you have been requesting in the newest item. With these extra features and some extra awesome minimal touches that we added we Know that you're destined to be completely delighted with this our newest offering. In order to make the offer better still we're delivering it to you at a super low initial value that gives you real bang for your buck.
Customer Rating : View Customer RatingsList Price : $7,066.00
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(Unit in photo has Computer Controls Suffix ''C'') Stainless steel fry tank. 12 year limited warranty 1'' ball type drain valve Stainless front, sides, top and door Casters included Twin fry baskets with plastic coated handles 120,000 BTU input Thermostat control 200 to 400 degrees F 4 Heat exchanger tubes for easy cleaning Hi-limit shut off 15 1/2''W x 30 1/4''D x 47 1/8''H CSA and NSF certified 3/4'' rear gas connection with combination gas pressure regulator and safety solenoid system Available in Nat. or L.P. (Propane) gas. PLEASE specify gas type and elevation if over 2,000 ft, when ordering One year parts and labor warranty
1 comment:
Wow! Really a good one! Vulcan fryers remain a mainstay for many restaurants. We have it in our bar and its great for those late night munchies.
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